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More time on deals, less time on NDAs

NDA AutoPilot is a service provided by Third Hat Consulting

Red and grey lines


A black icon of the united states of America

U.S. Based Team

All team members are based in the United States, with coverage across all U.S. time zones

tachometer in black and white

NDAs Finalized Quicky

NDAs with fewer turns.  Fewer turns means less time on NDAs and more time on deal review.

icon of a human head with a light bulb inside of it

Middle Market Insight

Centrally managed process delivers insight into market terms, reducing time spent negotiating.

A black icon of two people putting two skyscrapers together as puzzle pieces.

M&A Focus

All team members have a background in M&A.

arrow pointing down with a dollar sign in the middle

Reduced Cost

Low-Flat Rates.  No hourly fees or per-page upcharges.  

icon figures of three people

Capacity Recapture

Frees up internal resources to focus on higher-value tasks.

A man floating in the air using a lap top computer

We get NDAs moving faster!

New School Speed: 

two figures negotiating

Fewer Turns

The number of times an NDA is turned back and forth is the biggest driver of how long it takes to get the NDA finalized. 


Through repository building and active messaging, NDAs processed through NDA AutoPilot average only 1.56 turns to finalize.  

Hourglass showing the passage of time

24-Hour Guarantee

All NDAs reviewed, revised and sent out within 24 hours. 


While our focus is getting NDAs finalized with fewer turns, it is equally important to keep review each turn quickly.

red and gray lines

Old School Feel:

icon of a telephone

Live Negotiations

Often talking to the other side is fastest way to resolve an open issue.

After one turn of an NDA, our team seeks to speed the process along with live discussions.  

Third Hat Consulting is not a provider of legal services. NDA AutoPilot does not constitute, and is not intended to be a substitute for, legal advice.  

© 2024 Third Hat Consulting®

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